
I want to introduce the majority of my life; storm chasing. I roam the plains of the United States every year in search of Mother Nature's greatest fury. Some of the photos I am proudest of come from these moments.

While storm chasing is my biggest passion, there is another part of me that absolutely loves exploring this beautiful planet. There is so much to see and so little time to do it... so I take every chance I get to travel somewhere new.

Sunset creates great lighting and amazing colors... but once the sun is gone and the stars start to rise, a new set of opportunities present themselves.
For me, the darkness provides a sense of mystery. It brings to fruition a scene most don't see even once in their lifetime. This is a chance to show someone what they're missing in this world... the night sky.

A storm chasing portrait & lifestyle photographer? How could this get any more normal...

Lifestyle & Product